Writing Genre
Genre Films - Comedy, Horror, Action and Adventure - are the most commercially successful films in Hollywood. Writing team Michael Colleary & Mike Werb (Face/Off, Lara Croft Tomb Raider, TV show Extant) break-down structure, style, and techniques of writing great genre, specifically how to craft compelling villains, how to write action sequences, and much more. Mike Werb, writer of The Mask, is a nominating-committee member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. Michael Colleary has been a professional Film & TV writer and film producer for more than 20 years and is a professor in UCLA’s masters screenwriting program.
Featured Speakers: Mike Werb & Michael Colleary
• Saturn Award for Best Writing
• Mike Werb, writer of The Mask, nominating-committee member Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror
• Writers of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, TV series Tarzan, Collateral Damage.
• Professors of Screenwriting, UCLA
Writing a "Genre" Film
Genre films – Comedy, Horror, Action and Adventure – are the most commercially successful films in Hollywood. Writing team Michael Colleary & Mike Werb (Face/Off, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, TV show Extant) break down the structure, style, and techniques of writing great genre, and discuss specific...